Woodcroft College – New Multipurpose Hall
Harrold & Kite Pty Ltd were engaged as Managing Contractors by Woodcroft College to construct their New Multipurpose Hall Redevelopment.
Due to the complexity of the building shape and the need to marry into the existing adjoining structures, careful surveying and regular inspections and test procedures were put in place to ensure the building design brief was met.
The works comprised and series of structural steel bays on a collective concrete slab with decorative precast panels used as the external veneer of the building and provide not only a unique design element to the building but act as an acoustic deflection of external noise critical to the performance space design requirements.
Decorative plywood articulated to provide acoustic performance was required to allow the hall to perform acoustically and the seating within the space was made in order to be retractable to provide flexibility to the College in terms of use of the building.
The hall was completed on time and within budget much to the satisfaction of Woodcroft college and their management.